Estanco Maceda - Maceda, Province of Ourense
Province of Ourense
CASTIÑEIROS DE PUMBARIÑOS - Manzaneda, Province of Ourense
Xadigal, - Ourense, Province of Ourense
Congelados Hiperxel Ervedelo - Ourense - Ourense, Province of Ourense
Nela Biosense - , Province of Ourense
PrimaPrix Ourense Río Miño - Ourense, Province of Ourense
RunManiak - Ourense, Province of Ourense
Intersport Bouso - Ourense, Province of Ourense
Adega Terras Mancas - Soutomanco, Province of Ourense
Mi Gatito Pepo - Ourense, Province of Ourense